- Madagascar (A GPL software package with a separated header / data format very similar to classic SEPlib, but rewritten from scratch. Madagascar includes an environment for creating and testing reproducible software experiments.)
- CWP/SU Seismic Un*x Home Page (A free seismic processing system that uses an expanded SEGY-like data format.)
- qiWorkbench (A processing environment originally from BHP Billiton that includes the bhpViewer as one component.)
- Software from the Stanford Exploration Project (SEPlib, a data-cube-based seismic processing system, along with other miscellaneous software.)
- The FreeUSP home page (An Amoco/BP-heritage processing system that uses an expanded SEGY-like data format.)
- The Data Dictionary System (DDS) home page (An Amoco/BP-heritage processing system supporting high-dimensional flexible-format data files.)
- ARCO heritage source code (The Arco SPARC processing system, and some reflectivity modeling codes.)
- Computers and Geosciences journal software archive