About Our Team

Dr. Cheng linghao
IEEE Member,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr. Xu pengfei
Beijing Normal University.

Shao Yu
IEEE Member
SEG Associate Member
China National Petroleum Corporation.

Che Jin
Intermec Technologies Pte Ltd.
Nanyang Technologies University.


Wave velocities

The earth's crust is approximately a Poisson solid, with elastic constant 0.3 Tdyn/square(cm). Thus, for a density of 3 g/cub(cm), the P-wave velocity is 5.5 km/s. Similarly, The S-wave velocity is 3.2 km/s. Hence a P wave propagating with a velocity of 5.5 km/s and a period of 2 shas a wavelength of 11 km and the wavenumber is 0.57 per km. On the other hand, a wave with a period of 10 s and the same velocity has a wvelength of 55 km and a frequency of 0.1 Hz. The longer-period wave has a longer wavelength and a lower frequency.
